Put hope into action.
It’s donation from caring citizens – like you – that make it possible for us to train and support volunteers to become the advocate a child in foster care needs to overcome abuse and neglect.
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Introducing: RoundUp App
We’re so excited to announce our partnership with RoundUp App – a “spare change” platform that lets you donate the rounded up change from everyday transactions.
With RoundUp App, you can help us without even changing your daily routine. All you have to do is create an account and connect a credit or debit card. It’s that easy!
Your donation matters.
Abused & Neglected Children in foster care In Philadelphia
With more than 4,200 abused & neglected children in foster care in our city – CASA Philadelphia currently can only support about 350 of them each year. Your donation would allow us to provide the support and stability of a caring adult to many more children waiting in the foster care system. That support leads to better outcomes and long term success for at risk youth in our city.

A CASA Volunteer is often the only consistent adult presence in a foster child’s life — the one person a kid can truly count on. Without a CASA, these children are 2x as likely to remain in the system and 4x as likely to drop out of high school.

CASA of Philadelphia County is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 20-0744446. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
Other Ways to Give:
DONATE BY MAIL | Make your check payable to: CASA Philadelphia
CORPORATE SUPPORT | Ask your employer to sponsor one of CASA’s fundraising events.
UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN | Designate CASA Philadelphia #19692.
DONATE YOUR CAR | Make a tax-deductible car donation to CASA Philadelphia.

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Share our story with other caring individuals via social media.