CASA of Philadelphia Volunteers listen first, then act. They use the information they have gathered to inform judges of the child’s needs, best interests, and wishes. A volunteer does not have to be a lawyer or social worker, in fact our volunteers come from all walks of life and a multitude of backgrounds. What they all have in common is a desire to make life better for the more than 3,000 children currently in the child welfare system in Philadelphia. Becoming a CASA volunteer is an investment of time, energy and heart. And it is an investment that pays dividends for children who have been neglected and abused. Foster children with a CASA spend less time in care, receive more services, experience fewer out of home placements and have significantly improved educational experiences. For more about the impact of CASA see our National CASA’s evidence of effectiveness.
Our volunteers are asked to make a 2-year commitment because a big part of what makes CASA’s work successful is the continuity of connection between a foster child and a CASA. Training is extensive and the process of advocating can be complex. In short, this isn’t a volunteer option for just anyone. For this reason, we ask all potential volunteers to attend a 30-minute information session that reviews all aspects of being a CASA and will help you to decide if it is a good fit.