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Being a CASA volunteer is a long-term commitment with life-long impact for children in foster care. See more statistics here - buff.ly/3DKvx1Y
CASA winter training will be an evening training! Traditionally our January training has been during the day, but we have heard from many folks that evening is much better time for them to come to training. So, we are taking applications now for evening training in January! The application process begins with attending an information session - register on our website www.casaphiladelphia.org/volunteer/
Best-interest advocacy is driven by the guiding principle that children grow and develop best with their family of origin, if that can be safely achieved. Kinship care helps maintain family bonds and cultural connections, which are crucial for a child’s identity and well-being. #KinshipCareMonth
Truancy Prevention Month is about bringing parents, schools, and system professionals together to keep kids in school day after day. CASA volunteers interact and build relationships with everyone involved in the child’s education—parents and foster parents, teachers, school counselors, social workers, attorneys, therapists, and others. Advocates help ensure the child’s thorough education and academic success.