Staff Spotlight – Sherrell Slaffey

CASA is pleased to introduce our newest advocate supervisor Sherrell Slaffey. Sherrell comes to CASA from YES where she most recently served as the Assistant Director of Youth Emergency Service, a program for youth ages 12-17 who are displaced either through foster care or experiencing housing insecurity.

“I have worked in Child Welfare for over two decades.” Sherrell explains, “I enjoy working with teenagers, especially females. Most times, this population is misunderstood. “

Sherrell has extensive hands-on experience with kids and teens who have experienced trauma working to help them refocus in a more positive way. One example she describes was an opportunity to conduct a court mandated “Anger Management” program for young ladies. “I decided to change the name of the group to “Making your Emotions”. Each young person was provided with the concept that anger is a secondary emotion and that there was nothing “wrong” with them.”

Sherrell has a Bachelor of Science from Penn State University in Human Development and Family Studies and is certified by Lakeside Global Institute to train others in trauma informed care. Sherrell is pleased to return to direct care in this new role at CASA. Her hobbies include hosting parties, reading, decorating, and crocheting.

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